Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Democrat Plan to Steal the 2012 Election?

The Obambi.com blog has an interesting take on the 2010 presidential election. It's no secret that President Obama's popularity is sinking like a stone. The conservative Democrats, independents, and disgruntled Republicans who put him in the White House are now having a severe case of buyer's remorse. If the presidential election were held on Wednesday, he'd be a lame duck president by Thursday.

But George Soros, the far-left financier that has helped bankroll Democrat politics has another idea: If you can't control enough voters to re-elect the president, control the state secretaries-of-state who count the votes.

Soros believes that voters don't wield political power; the bureaucrats and politicians who decide whose votes count do. So he's concocted a scheme worthy of any Chicago pol: Send his accolytes out to the hinterlands and elect ultra-left secretary-of-state candidates in 2010 so that they can steal the election from the voters by deciding which votes to count and which to disqualify in 2012.

This would be a Machievellian move that would make Leon Trotsky blush. Click here to read. You won't believe it. I'm having a hard time figuring out if this is any different than what Hugo Chavez, Hamid Karzai or the Iranian mullahs have done. Maybe we should ask the UN to send international poll watchers in 2012. Where's Jimmy Carter when you need him?

The irony is that Democrats are proving to be decidedly undemocratic.

Just thought you might like to know.

The Dealmaker

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