Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Maybe There Is a Global Warming Conspiracy After All

If you have a chance, go online and find a copy of the Wall Street Journal's Nov. 24 editorial Global Warming with the Lid Off. The Journal has reviewed over 3,000 emails and documents hacked from the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. The story they tell is a disturbing one concerning the efforts of climatologists to doggedly preserve the theory of man-made (anthropogenic)  climate change.

The Journal describes one CRU researcher lamenting in an email that the U.K. now  has a freedom of information act, and if a pair of Canadian fact-checkers find that out and FOIA his records, he'll "delete the file" rather than turn over his records.

The Journal also claims that proponents of the anthropogenic climate change theory write about ways to present a "unified" view of man made global warming and why it's important to "smooth over" data that might challenge their theory. I don't know the scientific terms, but in most places to "smooth over" data is to ignore facts that contradict what you're trying to prove. And when the Watergate burglars tried to "unify" their story, it was called a conspiracy.

Apparently these truth-seekers also cooked up the idea of boycotting and belittling scientific journals that dared to print articles that questioned the theory of global warming. Perhaps not unlike Anita Dunn, President Barack Obama's former communications director, who hatched the plot to boycott and marginalize Fox News because of its nasty habit of questioning the policies and tactics of the Obama administration. The Wall Street Journal and Fox News are both owned by the News Corp.

All of this would be a footnote to history if it were not for the fact that Mr. Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress in the U.S. want to commit the country to a cap-and-tax scheme that will  destroy businesses, waste taxpayer dollars, and measurably lower the American standard of living. All of this justified by a theory that may or may not be correct.

I don't know if "anthropogenic" global warming is true. I don't know that it's not true. What I do know is that it looks like there is a worldwide network of propeller heads endeavoring to hide data that might prevent global warming from being accepted as a fait accompli. Well, recess is over, boys. Button up the pocket protectors and get back to work.

Just thought you might like to know.

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