Tuesday, August 11, 2009


President Obama's vision of nationalizing the healthcare industry is going down in flames. Congressmen home for the August recess are getting an earful from constituents upset at this radicalization of an important component of modern life. 

So the President's answer: create another czar, or in this case, a czarina: Linda Douglass, former ABC newsie, and now the President's communications director for healthcare reform. Over the last year this blog has accused Democrats of failing to debate on issues and facts, and instead falling back on emotion and sound bites. Ms. Douglass is no exception. She is nothing if not unique in her strategy to avoid being drawn into debate.

Rather than pit one healthcare plan against another, her strategy is pit one American against another. She has created a website where you can go to rat out your fellow citizens if you think they are against the President's plan. So much for the first post-partisan president.

Well, Ms. Douglass, I wish to report an incident of disinformation on the healthcare debate. There is a website called flag@whitehouse.gov which is spreading falsehoods. On the home page it calls those of us who differ with the President "defenders of the status quo." Nothing could be farther from the truth. We believe in healthcare reform. That's why we oppose the President on this issue. His plan has less to do with reform and more to do with ideology. We fail to see how a trillion dollar plan is going to save money. We think American healthcare is pretty good, but way too expensive. We want to wring cost out of the system, preserve the incentives for innovative care solutions, and put Americans in charge of their own healthcare decisions. Hardly a status quo approach.

But if readers of this blog think I'm not a good American for wanting to do that, do me a favor. Go to the site, flag@whitehouse.gov, and rat me out. Right now. Perhaps the publicity will be good for the blog. If any reporter from the Wall Street Journal or Fox News finds out about it, the resulting publicity is sure to energize the blogosphere. That, in turn, will raise our Internet search rankings, resulting in even more readers. Far from stifling debate, flag@whitehouse.gov may result in a swelling tide of opinion against the President's ill-conceived plan. 

I could end up with a book deal. It's the American way.

Just thought you might like to know!

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