Friday, August 28, 2009

More Flotsam in Turtle Bay



The organization that brought you a state sponsor of terrorism as head of the Security Council, Somalia and Darfur, and an armed Yasir Arafat at the lectern now brings you another pearl of wisdom.

The United Nations Economic, Cultural and Social Organization (UNESCO) has just unveiled a 100-page award-winner on children and sexuality. The UN's recommendation for economic, social and cultural harmony in the world: Let's teach five year olds how to masturbate. I kid you not. Just when you thought that the UN could not slip further from reality...

Among UNESCO's other recommendations:
  • Teach five year olds, who generally can't count backward from 10, about gender roles, gender stereotypes and gender-based violence
  • Cell phone-craving nine year olds should be taught about aphrodisiacs instead
  • By age 15 children should be inculcated with the "access to safe abortion" talking points
Needless to say, family advocates are up in arms. 

At five-years old kids learning about sex should focus on the names of body parts, says Michelle Turner of Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum.

That our tax dollars support junk like this should not be a surprise to anyone who's lived through the ongoing governmental power grab in the U.S. over the last eight months. While the researchers who authored the document may be eminent in their field, their answer--that governments world over should educate children about sex--is an anathema to many people here in the U.S. and abroad. 

With all the problems we face in this world, this is just another wasteful project from Turtle Bay. I am by no means an isolationist. I believe strongly in multilateralism. But, let's be honest: Name one lasting accomplishment of the UN that has benefited humanity over the last 60 years. You can't.

While I believe in multilateralism, the UN has failed at its mission. I believe the United States should withdraw its membership, giving the organization time to decamp from Turtle Bay. Let it set up shop in, say, Tripoli, Khartoum, or Tehran. 

Then it can fulfill its true mission: A global trade association for third world socialist dictators.

Just thought you might like to know.

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