Monday, March 8, 2010

Obama Plans to Nationalize Student Lending

   Now that Pres. Obama has approved the necessary legislative sleight of hand required, it's pretty much a done deal that Democrats will use the arcane reconciliation procedure to ram their healthcare plan down the throats of an unwilling American public.

   What is just coming to light this morning is a Democrat plan to use the reconciliation process to enact their other leftist priorities-priorities that are so unpopular that they could never garner the 60 votes needed in the Senate to break a Republican filibuster. Their MO: sneak their leftist priorities into law as part of the healthcare  bill.

   First out of the chute looks like it will be the rewriting of the Higher Education Act. The Democrats want to privatize student lending by making it part of healthcare legislation.  That's right, the Democrats plan to use the Senate's anti-filibuster law to make it illegal for banks or other private companies to lend money to college students. This according to the Wall Street Journal today.

   Only the 1970s era Stalinists who control Congress would see as progress a plan to rob American families  of freedom of choice by making the Kremlin, excuse me, Washington, the only place to get a student loan.

   This move is part of Pres. Obama's continuing plan to cover up his inability to deal with a bad economy by blaming all the nation's troubles on "Big Banks." With Pres. Obama, there's always someone else who's the bogeyman and the bogey is always BIG.

   The president's gofer in this is Education Secretary Arne Duncan, a normally level-headed guy, who lamely claims that the move will eliminate "subsidies" to the banking industry and net the government $70 billion in savings. But, as with all new Democrat plans, to save that $70 billion will cost $80 billion in new spending.

   But wait, that's not all. Sen. Judd Gregg  (R-NH) and John  Kline (R-MN) say that the Obama estimates are inflated to begin with because the government's own accounting rules lets them sweep the impact of loan defaults under the rug. (Can you say "Fannie" and "Freddie"?) And they say that the administration has purposely kept the new spending guesses artificially low. (Let me see...What does it cost to launch a new bureaucracy nowadays?)

   Here's the most dishonest part: Pres. Obama is engineering this scam so that it will fly under the radar. The use of reconciliation by Congressional Democrats  to pass their healthcare debacle will create a diversion. While the American public is wrapped up in the final chapter of the healthcare debacle, the President's plan to put student lenders out of business will slip through without the debate that he undoubtably knows he'd lose. Nice, huh?

   The Democrats have already, for all intents and purposes, nationalized the banking industry. They've nationalized two-thirds of the American automotive industry. They are about to nationalize 18% of the U.S. economy with the takeover of healthcare. Now the nationalization of student lending. Connect the dots and tell me what you see.

   Don't let it happen. Pass around this post, especially to the parents of prospective college students.  Take it viral. Get mad as hell. Get this post to your congressman. Because if they can sneak something like student lending past the watchdogs of freedom, they can sneak anything through.

Just thought you might like to know.

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