Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Junk Science, the EPA and the Search for Truth

Regular readers of these posts know that I have often accused the Left of not letting the facts of an issue get in the way of their story. This week we have clear evidence of this in the breaking news about an EPA report that was buried because it would have called into question the need for the President's massive climate change bill, barely passed by the house on June 26. 

That bill would saddle U.S. taxpayers with nearly $400 billion in new taxes. It works out to about $3,000 per person annually in new tax burdens. 

There is evidence now of an Environmental Protection Agency  report that shows global warming is nowhere near the threat that the President and the Democrats make it out to be. This report was buried at the instruction of high ranking agency officials. The reason: its public release would have undercut the reasoning behind the President's call for a massive new Cap-and-Tax scheme.

The primary author of the report, Alan Carlin, wrote, in part:

"My view is...there is not currently any reason to regulate carbon dioxide. Global temperatures are roughly where they were in the mid-20th century."

In other words, the global warming legislation so beloved by the left is unnecessary. In fact, the only justification for the bill is based on outdated science. 

But Mr. Carlin soon received this reply from a high level EPA official, Al McCartland

"The (EPA) administrator & the (Obama) administration have decided to more forward...and your comments do not help the legal or policy case for the decision."

In other words, the role of scientists in an Obama administration is not to search for truth but to conjure up spirits from the deep that will justify the President's policies and give him some legal cover to go forward.

You can't make this stuff up.

As the U.S. struggles to recover from recession we stand to lose millions and millions of more jobs because of the unintended consequence of Barack Obama's climate change bill. Companies will flee the tax burdens it creates here and ship jobs to Asian countries whose environmental consciences are not as well formed as the American Left's.

Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) the ranking Republican on  the Senate's Environmental and Public Works Committee, won't let go of this scandal. We posted yesterday about his diligence on the global warming scam. You should expect to hear more about this scandal as the Senate takes up consideration of the bill. 

This goes beyond a political debate. We're now talking about chavistas in the administration whose mission has morphed from protecting the public on environmental issues to protecting Barack Obama's rear end as global support for cap-and-tax dwindles. Where I come from we call that a crime.

Just thought you might like to know.

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