Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oppose Elena Kagan

Tom Chambers is the former mayor of the borough of West Chester, Pennsylvania. On March 14 he wrote a stirring op-ed piece in the local newspaper, creatively known as the Daily Local News, opposing the confirmation of Elena Kagan to be the nation's next solicitor general. I urge you to follow the link and check it out.

The solicitor general is the chief litigator of the United States. The solicitor general reports to Attorney General Eric Holder and is responsible for representing the federal government on legal matters right up to the Supreme Court.

Elena Kagan is a Harvard Law School dean, whom the Senate Judiciary Committee has approved to be the next solicitor general. She is awaiting Senate confirmation. Dean Kagan is virulently anti-military. In the past she has led the self-righteous charge to deny college students access to information by banning military recruiters from campus. Over the years Dean Kagan has called military recruiting:
  • discriminatory

  • deeply wrong

  • unwise

  • unjust

Dean Kagan is an opponent of what is called the "Solomon Amendment." The Solomon Amendment was part of a 1995 bill signed into law by President Bill Clinton. Under the bill, schools that stifle free speech by denying students the ability to learn about the military from recruiters on campus can't receive any federal funding from the Dept. of Defense.

Dean Kagan took the position against free speech and against education's traditional role as a marketplace for the free exchange of information by filing amicus briefs against the law before a federal appeals court and the Supreme Court.

The Washington Times put it simply when it called Elena Kagan "an anti-military zealot."

If the Congress approve's Dean Kagan's nomination, it will repudiate Pres. Obama's own words when he told the Service Nation Presidential Forum at Columbia University last Sept. 11 that it is a "mistake" not to offer students "the option of participating in military service."

Should this person be confirmed solicitor general, it will be one more indication that this nation is slipping irretrievably to the left. To stand up against this erosion of rights and to block Dean Kagan's confirmation, contact your senator, and let him or her know that you stand for free speech and self determination, and against the bigotry, self-righteousness and anti-military rhetoric of the 1960s.

Just thought you might like to know.

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