Monday, January 5, 2009

Al Franken's Best Joke

So it looks as if the grand poobahs of the U.S. Senate will seat Al Franken, Democrat from Minnesota, after all. In an earlier post we looked at an undeniable pattern of corruption among Democrat politicians. We should have waited a few days and included a hack politician from Minnesota, Democrat Mark Ritchie, currently masquerading as that state's secretary of state.

Mr. Ritchie has presided over election theft, in this case the disputed contest between incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman, a Republican, and his challenger, Democrat Al Franken. Because of the closeness of the election, the contest has been in recount for several weeks. Sen. Coleman ended election night 215 votes ahead, but now finds himself 225 votes behind the failed comedian--all thanks to Comrade Ritchie and the state's obedient Politburo, er, Canvassing Board.

As we've seen, Democrat pols clawing for power aren't anything new, but the way the Dems are stealing this election is so egregious, it bears a second look. Check this out:
  • The number of ballots certified as legit in 25 precincts during the recount has magically exceeded the number of people who signed in to vote. The Canvassing Board has accepted these additional votes on the grounds that board members are powerless to stop local election fraud (They're probably right if they want to keep their political careers on track). The result: nearly 100 more votes for candidate Franken.

  • Apparently at least one precinct in Hennepin County didn't wait till the recount to do their ballot stuffing. The hand count showed fewer ballots than were recorded election night. In this case the Canvassing Board decided it couldn't accept the recounted number and went with the election night total instead. Result: nearly 50 more Franken votes.

  • And then there was Ramsey County, where one precinct miraculously ended up with 177 more votes for Franken than were cast on Election Night. Since this benefited the Democrat, the Canvassing Board, with an inconsistency that borders on the absurd, decided that they could go with the recounted number, even though in next door Hennepin County they refused to accept the recount results. Result: 37 more votes for the lesser half of Franken and Davis.

  • Absentee ballots are a mess unto themselves. The review process for absentees has been so inconsistent that the Coleman campaign has asked the state Supreme Court to rule on a request to standardize the counting process. Despite the matter being in the hands of the state's high court, Mr. Ritchie and his elves worked through the weekend, rubber stamping the Franken absentee ballots as certified: Result: another 175 votes for the Democrat challenger.

At the same time, Minnesota's other Senator, Democrat Amy Klobuchar, is popping off that Harry Reid and the Democrat caucus in Washington should seat Franken as the legitimate title holder to the Senate seat as soon as the Canvassing Board rubber stamps Franken. Apparently Sen. Amy forgot to consult state law which says the Board cannot certify an election that is still in dispute.

So it appears a done deal that Al Franken is about to join Landslide Lyndon Johnson and a parade of other Democrat election fixers. The pattern continues: the party which took control of Congress in 2006 with such lofty ideals has smeared us yet again another coating of political slime--Blagojevich...Jefferson...Dodd...Franken. No matter how much Democrat Kool Aid you drink at some point you can't ignore the pattern.

And a failed comedian with the help of his straight man Ritchie, and the stooges on the Canvassing Board, has the last laugh--by making a joke of democracy.

Just thought you might like to know.

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