Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Few. The Proud.

The blogosphere is alive today with a story about a column of 30 U.S. Marines ambushed in Afghanistan by 250 Taliban fighters near the city of Shewan. Outnumbered 8 to 1 the Marines put the wood to the ambushers in an eight hour firefight. 20 Taliban were reportedly killed. No Marines died in the fight and only a handful were injured.
It would have been nice to have been able to read this in the popular press; however, it appears that none of the media conglomerates saw fit to cover or report the story.
It's just another example of how through selective editing--what they choose to report and what they fail to report--the media direct the consciousness of the public on the major policy issues of the day.
In Iraq the media were quick to jump on a story--later discredited--of how the Marines had allegedly massacred civilians. However, not a word about 30 young kids ambushed in Afghanistan who fight their way out against long odds.
I'll leave the question of media bias to others, but rest assured, as a young reporter, if I had sat on a great story like this, my boss would have been biased against my continued employment.
Just thought you might like to know.

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