Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Connect the Dots and Solve the Mystery of a Failing Economy

This post is short and sweet. Sometimes when you're in the midst of an ongoing story it's difficult to rise above daily details to get the full picture of events that have unfolded before your eyes. But if you can somehow rise above the details and "connect the dots," to coin a phrase, a picture will emerge before you.

So if you want to really understand the economic difficulty that we're in, I recommend to you the lead editorial in today's Wall Street Journal. Titled The Obama Economy it explains clearly and briefly how the current administration squandered nearly a trillion hard-earned taxpayer dollars in a year and a half and has almost nothing to show for it.

In laymen's terms the editorial identifies all of the administration's missteps and connects them to produce a sorry picture of career politicians who have few clues how to right the ship of state.

It's depressing, really. But if you can invest ten minutes and click on the link above you'll better understand why we're where we are and what the only hope for change might be.

Just thought you might like to know.

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