Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Have It Your Way

President Obama's wife Michelle has raised the issue of obesity to the forefront as part of the national debate on American health and healthcare. The administration is spending millions of dollars on "public outreach" to educate people about eating in a more healthy manner.

The assumption is that the American people are ignorant about nutrition and the dangers of poor diet and--Heaven help us--fast food.

But are fast food consumers really ignorant? Do they really need Uncle to educate them about what they eat? Are the fast food shops preying on consumers who need to be saved? Who knows?

But a new survey just out by Scarborough Research pokes some holes in the stereotypical fast food consumer as a morbidly obese illiterate dropout with grease stains on his wife beater.

According to the survey more than a third of American adults will eat breakfast this month in a fast food restaurant. In addition, these consumers
  • are 16% more likely to live in a household with an annual income of $100,000 or more
  • more likely to have a college or advanced degree
  • more likely to eat breakfast at a fast food restaurant than other consumers
  • 18% more likely to spend 20 or more hours online each week
  • more likely to obtain news and information from the Internet
Far from being obese drains on the nation's healthcare system, fast food breakfast consumers are more likely to live active lives, including belonging to a gym or health club. They're also more likely to be a jogger or play soccer, basketball or tennis.

It seems that these consumers are figuring out this healthy lifestyle thing just fine, with or without Uncle's help.

Just thought you might like to know.

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