Monday, March 16, 2009

Hecho en Washington

The Mexican government today announced that it had enacted tariffs on 90 U.S. products. This after the Democrat-controlled Congress cancelled a plan that allowed some trucks from Mexico to operate in the U.S.

The North American Free Trade Agreement, or Nafta, gives Mexican truckers the right to operate in the U.S., subject to U.S. laws as part of the open trade compact. However, Democrat congressmen, who are the whores of organized labor, take their marching orders from the truckers unions, and have made enforcement of this Nafta provision difficult. Now that they control Congress, they have eliminated altogether the compromise provision that had allowed some Mexican truckers to operate here.

This is protectionism, pure and simple. The union bosses, in their inimitable greed, have said, the hell with you, we're in this for ourselves. And congressional Democrats have done what they always do. They've stuffed the money in their bra, and hit the street on the orders of their union pimps. Because of the Democrat Congress, American workers will lose their jobs because the the tariffs will make their products too expensive in Mexico.

The alleged party of the people has thrown American workers under the bus in order to please their union masters.

The Mexican government has a lot to answer for in terms of bilateral relations. They have sat by and watched while their drug barons have ignited a civil war that has spilled across our borders. By their socialist mismanagement of their government, they've forced millions of their own citizens to flee to our country illegally. And their opaque, oligarchical form of government has made doing business in Mexico a nightmare for most American companies.

But this is one case where Washington is wrong. Congress has sold out to the union bosses, as they're about to do on the card check bill. And the loser is the American people.

The next time your Democrat congressman tries to lay that populist rap on you --how they stand up for the little guy, and how the Republican Party is the party of special interests--don't believe it. The Democrats are the party of the biggest special interest in America.


Just thought you might like to know.

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